Wednesday, September 16, 2009

AgriPik Plastic Posts

AgriPiks are a rather clever invention. Australian made from Australian recycled PET, some clever guys in Sydney are turning rubbish into a safe alternative to steel posts and pickets.

They're new but becoming widely used in mining (no sparks), electricity substations (no conductivity), fisheries (no rust), surveying (show up well in photos) and electric fencing (no insulators required.)

Last but not least, they are starting to be used in areas where saftey is a concern. Unlike steel posts, these will break on an impact. So if you fall off a horse onto them, they're designed to break instead of spear you. VIC Roads has advocated their use for similar reasons on road worksites.

One of the downsides of breaking is exactly that. They will break. I'm 80 kg and can stand on one and it will support me, but if I jump, it will most certainly break. That's about the most science there is out there on them breaking.

For the benefit of other users, tell us about your experience with AgriPiks. It will certainly help others considering their use and you never know, it might lead to the 4th generation in their design.


  1. Plus they are lightweight so you can carry quite a few at a time.

  2. Can you please advise how to contact the supplier - the agripik website is not working.

  3. . I welded up the gate frame from a gate frame kit, but ended up adding a support brace, and adjusting the gate rails to be in line with the rails of the fence. It did make for a neater look.privacy fence estimate
