Saturday, April 18, 2009

Testing your electric fence

So you suspect your electric fence isn't working? Below is a generally accepted method for finding and then eliminating the fault.

1. Test the fence – what voltage have you got
•7,500 volts or more – full operating voltage
•6,000 Volts - good
•4,500 Volts – still ok
•3,000 volts – bit suspect
•1,500 volts or less – inadequate

2. Test the energiser
•Disconnect the fence wire from the positive terminal. Test the voltage from the positive terminal to the earth stake. Not enough volts – it’s the energiser.

3. Test the earth
•Check the voltage of the earth rod. If the earth is showing more than 300 volts, then the earth system is inadequate and needs upgrading

4. Check first point of contact
•Go to the first point of contact with the fence wire. Disconnect from the fence. Take a reading before the fence wire. Not enough volts – problem is with the insulated cable.

5. Walk the fence line
•Looking for visible signs of deterioration
•Looking for vegetation touching the wires
•Listening for pulse shorting out

6. Still struggling?
•You might try an fence fault finder


  1. Really good info.

    Thanks a lot arcadia rural supplies.

    I see you also sell electric fence stuff - cool!

  2. I was thinking about electric fences for dogs, your post would certainly help big time, thanks once again.
